
Sat 13/6 Strike 1st and 2nd prizes.

Congratulation to all those who strike.

4d June Chart
Sagittarius 3568 2nd prize
Sagittarius 9685 Starter
Scorpio 0946 Starter
Leo 6548 Consolation

4d Top 3 Special - June
Sagittarius 6317 1st prize
Profit/loss ibet= -25-25 - 25 + 6 + 3 + 83= $17
Since we strike 1st prize and now in profit, we stop playing for this special set.
Since this set can have about 9 - 18 hits, people can still pick numbers using it. But take notes that Top Prize hits rate is about 1 - 3 and we already have 1 hit..

More to come......

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