
Why we should use OpenDNS

Use OpenDNS to Browse Faster, Safer, Fix DNS Errors. Did you know OpenDNS users never worried about Conflicker worm infecting their systems, because OpenDNS will identify the 50000 domains and block them from resolving for all OpenDNS users.

Some important advantages of using OpenDNS

  • Anti-phishing protects your network from fraudulent phishing scams.
  • Web content filtering lets you block 50 categories of content.
  • Detailed statistics empower you to understand your network traffic
  • Globally distributed network makes Web sites load faster
  • Anycast routing technology makes your Internet more reliable
  • Browser Shortcuts let your users map a short term to a long URL.
  • Typo correction auto-correct common typos in top-level domains.

It's free to use and set up; here's a detailed guide for home networks.

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